Family Planning
The practice nurses can issue patients with repeat prescriptions for the contraceptive pill, provide pre-conceptual advice and carry out cervical smears.
Emergency contraception can be accessed via a GP or practice nurse in emergency appointments.
Coils (intra-uterine devices), are fitted, changed and removed at the surgery by female GPs. If you would like a coil, you will need to discuss this with your own GP first, to decide if it is appropriate for you. When you have done this, the GP will add you to the waiting list which is manned by one of our healthcare assistants. If you are due a coil change or removal, please notify our reception team of this, who will also make sure you are added to the waiting list. When an appointment/clinic is available, you will be contacted to book this in, with notice.
Implants are also fitted, changed and removed at the surgery by female GPs. As with the coil booking system, you will need to first discuss this with your own GP to assure an implant is appropriate. Once you have done this, your name will be added to the waiting list; if you require a change of your current implant, or an implant removal, please notify our reception team and your name will be added to the list this way. One of our healthcare assistants will contact you to book you in at the earliest convenience.
Further information:
IUD and IUS PDF Guides
Guide to IUS
Guide to IUD
Guide to Implants
Self-assessment form
IUD and IUS self-assessment form (please read prior to your appointment)